

Fuimos seleccionados para realizar una pasantia en una fabrica de plisados Londinense y queremos mostrarles como fue esta experiencia en particular. Proveedora de firmas como Ralph and Russo, Burberry, Alexander McQueen, figuras como Kate Middleton y personajes como Emilia Clarke de Game of Thrones.

Mas de mil moldes y 150 años de historia en cada molde nos inspiraban para crear.

Mesas de cinco metros de largo eran el punto de partida para plisar, donde se extendia la tela que ibamos a alterar en el correr de dos a cinco horas para llegar al resultado buscado.




We were selected to do a placement in a London pleat factory and we want to show you has was this experience in particular. They supply brands such as Ralph and Russo, Burberry, Alexander McQueen, celebrities like Kate Middleton and characters like Emilia Clarke from Game of Thrones. Over a thousand moulds and 150 years of history in each mould inspired us to create. Five-meter-long tables were the starting point for pleating, where the fabric we were going to alter for two to five hours was spread out in order to obtein the result we were looking for.



Craftmanship is luxury, a product is luxe when is handmade, tailored for few. Luxury meaning exclusiveness. Research.

´´ Time is Luxury ´´